
纵观SI的历史, students and staff have traveled to school on foot, 通过市政, 坐车去, but a significant number also commute by bicycle and, 越来越多地, 电动自行车或踏板车.

When Kylie Landers ’24 sets out for school each day from her home in San Francisco's Parkside neighborhood, it can be foggy when she crests the hill and enters the Sunset, 但是很多时候, she is treated to a gorgeous vista of the Pacific Ocean, the sun behind her illuminating the incoming waves. It is a view she especially savors from her bicycle.

"I like the feeling of riding down the hill, facing the ocean," she said. "It is a nice way to start the morning off, 但也, I have more time to get ready for school after my siblings leave. At the end of the day, too, I can just go home when I want and do not have to wait to be picked up. I could ride the bus, but it is a lot faster both ways to ride my bike."

马里奥·比尔德' 27, who rides an e-bike one might mistake for a motorcycle with its extended fenders, also emphasized that bicycling to school not only grants him a level of independence he enjoys, but is simply faster than driving many days.

"It takes me 12 to 15 minutes to get to school from the Richmond District,他说. “每天, I see a lot of cars waiting in traffic, and I can go right by them and into Golden Gate Park, 然后沿着第37大道走. 大多数情况下, 我被大自然包围着, and it just feels so cool to go directly from city life to being almost surrounded by woods."

Henry Bonner ’27 also crosses the park to get to school, but riding an e-scooter.

"I have been riding a scooter since seventh grade,他说, 为了让我父母好过一点, who also have to get my brother to school around the same time SI starts, 我决定骑摩托车去SI. I ride a lot on weekends, too, just for fun."

最初, John Hollister ’25 was not sure he wanted to bike to school, but his family encouraged him to give it a chance, 尤其是他的哥哥姐姐.

"My parents' schedule meant I had to bus or bike to school, and at first I only wanted to take the bus. But two of my siblings biked to school, and they kept bringing it up to me until I finally tried it. I only had to do it once before deciding I liked it, and I wanted to keep doing it,他说.

Students are not the only ones getting to school on two wheels. Computer science and physics teacher Mike Oliva commutes to and from work on an e-bike.

"When I ride to work, I feel like a kid again," Mr. 奥利瓦说. “我和女儿一起上下班, and we are always talking to each other — that is, when we are not hooting and hollering at the surf as we ride down the hills in the Sunset. It is great fun, and it is faster than driving. 真的, everywhere I have biked in 旧金山, 这比我想象的要容易, especially since I got an electric bike."

SI has on-campus bike racks available for students in the parking lot under the tennis courts. Bike hangers under the Student Plaza, 在Sablinsky乐队室外面, 是为教职员工保留的吗. Several people who spoke to GENESIS about cycling pointed out that they only realized after starting to ride to school that they were significantly less stressed worrying about finding parking. All of them said they planned to continue biking for their commute as long as they are able.

Landers added that wherever she goes to college, she plans to cycle.

"You do not have to use fuel, so it saves money. It is good for the environment, and it is a good way to spend time outdoors," she said. "It really is the best way to get around."


The New 学习ing Commons: Building Our Future Forward

SI has partnered with renowned architectural firm Mark Cavagnero Associates to design the New 学习ing Commons so that faculty and students may easily adapt academic spaces to whatever needs they have. 这些空间, which we are calling the 学习ing Lofts, 会有利于协作吗, 亲自动手的, and creative work that maximizes the value of teacher-student interactions.

阅读更多 about The New 学习ing Commons: Building Our Future Forward